
Why People Travel?

Travelling is a human instinct. That is why they have been travelling time and again since their nomadic life to the present time. Here, their motive of travel and motivational factor were different. The Industrial Revolution led to development of trade and commerce. So the main factor for travel at that time was trade and commerce. The industrial development led to urbanization, changed the working environment, increased their income and living standard. And they realized the need for leisure and pleasure. To feel the need of change from the routine work, their income made it possible to travel.
Every individual has its own motive to travel. There are different factors that created the desire to travel and make them tourists. Different factors motivate them to travel from one place to another place. The prime motivation to engage in travelling is to be elsewhere and escape, however, temporarily from the chores of life. There are two distinct factors of motivation that create the desire I people to travel. They are:
1.       Wanderlust
2.       Sunlust
Wanderlust is described as the desire to exchange the known for the unknown. People’s motive to travel is to go from familiar environment to unfamiliar, to leave things, places to go and see different places, people and cultures or architecture of the past. This also involves seeing current fashions, music, attending, seminars, etc. their leading force to travel is curiosity. This type of tour is related to cultural tour and is of the short term.
Sunlust lovers are the adventure travelers. Their activities are conducted outdoor. They are mostly yound tourist who prefers to take part in sport, trekking, mountaineering, etc. most popularity they are the people who enjoy sea, beaches and spas. The duration of their travel is of long term compared to wanderlust tourist.
The motivation factors may be further elaborated as:
1.       Physical Motives
2.       Pleasure
3.       Relaxation, Rest and Recreation
4.       Health
5.       Participation In Sports
6.       Curiosity and Culture
7.       Ethnicity and Family
8.       Spiritual and Religious
9.       Status and Prestige
10.   Profession or Business
11.   Participation in Events/Festivals
12.   Business/Professional Meetings or Convention
As travel is related to human beings, its nature and character is also changing with the change in society, economic activities, education, etc. Every individual man has his own interest and choice of interest to travel. Some Determining Factors of Tourism are as follows:
1.       Industrial Development
2.       Wealth of the Society
3.       Development of Holiday or Leisure Concept
4.       Geographical Situation
5.       Environment of the place the visit
6.       High purchasing capacity
7.       Economic stability
8.       Transportation facility
9.       Accessibility
10.   Political stability
11.   Organization and service of Travel Agencies and their efficiency
12.   Marketing and Promotional Program
13.   Willingness/cooperation of the sales agencies
14.   Natural beauty
15.   Man-made environment
16.   Peace
17.   Hospitality, culture, religion, friendliness of the people
18.   Religious places
19.   Recreational centers
20.   Special events
21.   Government policy
22.   Weather/season
23.   Accommodation and better facilities


Nature of Tourism

Tourism is a service industry having certain peculiar character because tangible goods are produced but service is performed. Some of the special characters of tourism are discussed below:
1.       Tourism begin a service concept it is non-material. It may be defend that mountains, rivers are visible,  a hotel and its beds can be seen, an airplane is flying above us, a tourist is trekking, etc. some tourism products have more tangible elements than intangible elements. Tourism is created over the tangible materials. A meal, for example in a restaurant has more tangible elements but image friendliness, perception, helpfulness, courtesy, security, trust, etc on the basis of which imagination, hopes, expectations, wants and needs are aroused.
2.       Tourism is the combination of economic (measurable) and non-economic. Visitor arrivals, air space, rail tricks, hotel beds, etc can be measured but pleasure, leisure, comfort, relaxation, recreation they acquired cannot be measured. Foreign tourists are measurable but domestic tourists and economies they generate are difficult to measure. We can count foreign income but we cannot count the cost of negative impacts created by tourism.
3.       Tourism is made of several industries. Each of the components of tourism is highly specialized and together makes the final tourism. Tourism is not airlines, a hotel and hotel industry or a visit t o the historical sites but rather an amalgam of many industries, which together makes tourism industry.
4.       Tourism is related with fantasies of self-realization, personal transformation, exotic escape, romantic sublimation and other transcendental yearnings.
5.       Tourism product does not move to the customer but the customer needs to move to the product. Export of the tourism product means arrival of tourist or tourism products used by tourist.
6.       The demand of the tourism product is very unstable and susceptible to external forces. As tourist is outsiders any event at their origin on the way or the destination will affect their desire to travel. So tourism is adjustable and acceptable of the reality.
7.       Tourism is the most luxurious concept as it is related with rich people. So in tourism our customers are from the influential society, advanced. Rich and intellectual.
8.       Tourism business has unlimited possibilities as it is related with idea.
9.       Every citizens of a country is directly or indirectly related with tourism. Their response and behavior towards tourist reflects the image of the country.
10.   Tourism has a special character of “Parasite”. Its survival/prosperity is based on other’s economy, rules and regulations, political situations, etc
Tourism is a service industry and is directly related to satisfaction and human behavior and it is the most complicated subject to deal with. A person may or may not choose a tangible product, solely depends on his ability to afford and on his likes and dislikes. But the choice of tourism product is based on “push and pull” factors or here and there. Its production, sales process is different and delivery mechanism is also different so after-sales services are also different.


Hi everyone this is Jyoti Shrestha and in this blog I am going to talk about my views on Travel and Tourism and I will also add some information about Nepal Tourism and many more I hope you will enjoy this and gain some information too.

Tourism is related to travelling and travelling in naturally a human character. Man need change and travel provides the change. The great American writer Mark Twain has aptly said that even heaven can be boring after a while. Travel has had a fascination for man.
